A credit card company has a policy wherein the customer earns a point for every 20 dollars spent on purchases made using the card. These points accumulate over a period of time and can be cashed in at the rate of a dollar per point. The policy applies equally to all customers across the country and the company does not interact with individual customers. This is an example of the ______ level of relationship marketing.
a. financial
b. social
c. customization
d. structural

Respuesta :


The anwser is A


If you look at the last sentece it says "The Policy applies equally to all customers across the countyr and the company does not interact with individual customers."

Social would mean that the company would interact with all of the customers.

customization would mean that the comany would sit down and talk to the customers.

Structural would mean that the longer you are a customer in the company you would get more benifts but it says the policy applies to all customers equally.