Sky attends her company Christmas party and decides to network at the party in hopes of getting a promotion. When she arrives at the party, she notices that the CEO is talking to a man in a blue suit. Later, Sky approaches the man and strikes up a conversation. When she discovers that the man runs the mail room, she quickly ends the conversation and looks for someone who will be more valuable in her quest for a promotion. Sky notices a nicely dressed and manicured woman and begins by complimenting the woman's dress. Sky listens intently to the woman because she assumes someone dressed so well must be important at the company. When she discovers that the woman is married to an account manager and does not work at the company, Sky loses interest in what the woman is saying and begins talking about herself. Sky eventually pulls out her cell phone and begins checking her e-mail while the woman is talking. While Sky is checking her e-mail, the woman explains that she knows of a management position opening in her husband's division that Sky should look into. However, Sky is not listening and leaves the party with no leads on a promotion. When Sky determines that the woman is no use in helping her network, she turns the focus of the conversation to herself and away from the woman. Sky approaches the man in the blue suit because of:
a. the CEO's perception of his status.
b. the man's perception of his own status.
c. her perception of his status.
d. a stereotype.