Write a program that implements the algorithm to find the smallest number in a list of numbers. The program should continue to read numbers from the keyboard until a value of 0 (zero) is entered. It should then print the smallest number found and exit.

Respuesta :


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   int a[10000];//array of ten thousand capacity.

   int n=0,min=INT_MAX;//decalring n and min variables.



   }while(a[n++]!=0); //using do while loop to take input.

   for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)//looping to n-2th index because 0 is at n-1th index.







   cout<<"The minimum element is "<<min<<endl;//printing the minimum.

return 0;



5 2 6 78  32 31 21 6 45 2 1 0


The minimum element is 1


I have created an array of capacity 10000.Taking input till 0 is entered. Now the 0 is at the n-1 th index so we have to consider elements upto n-2th elements.Using for loop to iterate upto n-2 th index and finding the minimum among those elements.