Respuesta :
1. (My) Mi familia es ecuatoriana
2. (Your) Tu esposo es italiano.
3. (Our) Nuestro profesor es español.
4. Es (her) su reloj
The exercise aims for practicing possessive pronouns in Spanish.
Each Spanish possessive pronoun has four forms that must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun in the phrase they replace. These pronouns are the same as the long forms of possessive adjectives, but are almost always used with the definite article.
Here is a breakdown of the possessive pronouns.
Personal Masculine Singular Masculine Plural English
Pronoun Form Form Possessive Pronoun
I mio mios mine
You tuyo tuyos yours
He/She/it suyo suyos his/her
We nuestro nuestros ours
You vuestro/suyo vuestros/suyos yours
They suyo suyos theirs
Personal Feminine Singular Feminine Plural English
Pronoun Form Form Possessive Pronoun
I mia mias mine
You tuya tuyas yours
He/She/it suya suyas his/her
We nuestra nuestras ours
You vuestra/suya vuestras/suyas yours
They suya suyas theirs
In answer 1 Mi equals to My because they are possessive adjectives instead of possessive pronouns, the same with answer 4 is Su instead of suyo because of the possessive adjective and not the possessive pronoun.
Possessive adjectives are words like my, your, our, his, her, its and their. They are used before nouns.
Possessive pronouns are words like mine, yours, ours, his, hers and theirs. They are used alone.