Hexadecimal numbers are numbers in base 16. They use the following sixteen digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. They are widely used in computing, for example, to represent colors or network addresses of computers. i. Convert A2F13 16 to decimal. Show your work. ii. Convert 4567 10 into hexadecimal. Show your work. iii. Convert 0001010110001100 2 to hexadecimal. Explain how can you use the fact that 16 = 2 4 ? iv. If you convert a 64-bit binary number into hexadecimal, how many hexadecimal digits does it have? Explain.

Respuesta :

Answer: i.) 667,411. ii.) 11D7 iii.) 158C. iv.) 16.


i.) Our decimal system, is a position-based one, where each digit, occupies a position represented by the power of 10 that corresponds to this position.

The number is built adding the products of each digit times the power of 10 corresponding to the relative position occupied by the digit in the number, going from right to left, as power indices increases.

For instance, 876 can be decomposed as follows:

8. 10² + 7. 10¹ + 6. 10⁰ (remembering that 10⁰ = 1).

In the same way, any number can be decomposed as a sum of digits (taking into account the particular base of the system, 10) times powers of the base (translated to decimal).

For instance, let's convert A2F13 to decimal:

As we have five digits, we know that we will have products including power of  16, from 0 to 4, as follows:

A. 16⁴ + 2. 16³ + F. 16² + 1 . 16¹ + 3. 16⁰

Replacing by the values we get;

(A2F13)₁₀ = 10. 65,536 + 2. 4,096 + 15. 256 + 16 + 3 = 667,411.

where A = 10₁₀ , F= 15₁₀, as for a system with base 16, we need to find new digits to replace the decimals 10,11,12,13,14 and 15, that have a different meaning in a hex system.

ii. ) In order to convert a decimal number in an hexadecimal , we should express the number in terms of powers of 16.

One way to do this, is finding the greatest power of 16, included in the decimal number (which means thas when divided by this power of 16, gives a remain not zero).

We find that 16³ = 4096, "fits" within 4567, as follows:

4567-4096 = 471.

Following with the same process, we have 471- 16² = 471-256 = 215

Now, we divide 215 between 16¹, as follows:

215/16 = 13. 4375

So, we know that the last digit (the resultant from the remain of the division) is less than the base, so we can find this digit taking the remain and multiplying by the base, as follows:

0.4375 . 16 = 7

So, we can build the number in powers of 16, as follows:

1. 16³ + 1. 16² + 13. 16 + 7. 16⁰

In Hex, the decimal 13 is replaced by the letter D, so finally we have the following:

(4567)₁₆ = 11D7

iii.) Let's take the number in binary first:


If we want to convert it to decimal, we should repeat the former process, now, using power of 2.

But as we know the 2⁴ = 16, so we can use this fact in order to simplify the process.

If we divide the binary number in groups of 4, each of these groups represent a digit in hex, from 0 (0000) to F (1111).

So, dividing the number in groups of 4 , from left to right, we have:

0001 0101 1000 1100

Replacing each group by the digit in hex, we have:

158C (as C replaces to the 12₁₀).

We can test the result, expressing both numbers in decimal:

For the binary:

4,096 + 1024 + 256 + 128 + 8 + 4 = 5,516.

For the Hex:

1. 16³ + 5. 16² + 8. 16¹ + C. 16⁰ = 4,096 +  1,280 + 128 + 12 = 5,516, the same result as above.

iv. ) Using the same reasoning, if we have 64 binary digits, taking in groups of 4 (as 2⁴ = 16) , we will have 16 hexadecimal digits.