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I strongly believe that we already know that viruses are generally tolerant or sensitive to heat, detergents, solvents,alcohols and many other chemicals. On the contrary, enveloped viruses mean they have outer lipid layer of glycoprotein and lipoproteins that can be easily neutralized by various types of strong chemical and physical agents.That is why they are less tolerant to such agents than the naked viruses.In the latter, the lipid content is negligible so they exhibit a bit good resistance to various types of agents...



Enveloped viruses, or membrane surfaced viruses, are commonly less resistant to disinfectants because they require their envelope and attachments spikes to be infective. What disinfectants, or alcohol too, do is to disrupt the lipid layer and the mechanism the viruses use to infect their host. Also, enveloped viruses can only survive under specific conditions, I mean wet conditions, as they are generally transmitted in wet body fluids, such as blood. They are also too sensitive to different ambiental conditions, what is related to the coating of these viruses.
