a. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) – Teacher saying jump
b. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – Clearing the throat, saying Uhmmmm... and then banging the stick/ruler and saying jump
c. Unconditioned Response (UR) – Jumping after hearing the word “jump”
d. Conditioned Response (CR) – Jumping after hearing Uhmmmm….banging of ruler and word “jump”
Unconditioned response is one in which the response generated in natural while in conditioned response, response is generated in unnatural fashion.
Likewise, unconditioned stimulus is a natural causing factor behind any natural response while conditioned stimulus is an unnatural causing factor behind any unnatural response.
a. Unconditioned Stimulus (US) – Teacher saying jump
b. Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – Clearing the throat, saying Uhmmmm... and then banging the stick/ruler and saying jump
c. Unconditioned Response (UR) – Jumping after hearing the word “jump”
d. Conditioned Response (CR) – Jumping after hearing Uhmmmm….banging of ruler and word “jump”