1. Which of the following best describes primary data?

a. collected for the specific purpose at hand

b. original information

c. first-time information

d. fresh and perhaps more reliable than secondary data

e.all of the above


2. Maslow's hierarchy of human needs extends from the most pressing to the least pressing. These five needs do NOT include ________.

a. physiological needs

b. safety needs

c. evaluative needs

d. self-actualization

e. social needs


3. Current marketing challenges include the following EXCEPT

a. market segmentation

b. higher ethical standards

c. globalization

d. digitalization

e. socially responsible marketing


4. According to the Boston Consulting Group's (BCG's) approach of selecting business units, a cash cow has

a. high growth/high market share

b. high growth/low market share

c. low growth/high market share

d. low growth/low market share


5. Which of the following is NOT a microenvironmental influences on a company?

a. publics

b. suppliers

c. research and development

d. family composition

e. resellers

Respuesta :


1 e , 2c ,


The primary data are those that are held directly; The person in question collects them for investigation. In the case of secondary data, correspond to information that was produced by others (researchers, institutions, etc.).

The maslow pyramid includes: self-realization, recognition, affiliation, safety and physiology.