Respuesta :
- Cortisol passes through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm.
- Cortisol- receptor complex forms in the cytoplasm.
- Cortisol- receptor complex enters the nucleus where it binds to genes.
- Cortisol- receptor complex acts as a transcription factor.
- The transcripted mRNA is translated into a specific protein.
Cortisol is a small, hydrophobic steroid hormone that can pass through the plasma membrane cells. In target cells, cortisol binds to the intracelullar receptor protein in the cytoplasm, forming a hormone- receptor complex. The hormone- receptor complex then moves into the nucleus and acts as a transcription factor, binding to specific genes and activating their transcription into mRNA.
The mRNA that is produced is eventually translated into specific proteins.
Proteins are produced in response to the cortisol signal function in the stress response. For example, some of these proteins aid in elevating glucose levels in the blood, helping an animal to meet the demands of starvation or intense physical activity.
1. Cortisol passes through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm
2. Cortisol-receptor complex forms in the cytoplasm.
3. Cortisol-receptor complex enters the nucleus where it binds to genes
4. Cortisol-receptor complex acts as a transcription facto r
5. The transcribed mRNA is translated into a specific protein
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is hydrophobic in nature and hence it can pass through the plasma membrane of cells. Cortisol receptors are found with in most cells in our body. These receptors receive and use the hormone in different ways. These intracellular hormone receptors form a hormone-receptor complex and then moves into the nucleus and acts as a transcription factor to activate the transcription of targeted genes into mRNA. Proteins is produced from these transcription mRNA. The amount of cortisol present in blood is regulated and checked by hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Hence, the correct order is
1. Cortisol passes through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm
2. Cortisol-receptor complex forms in the cytoplasm.
3. Cortisol-receptor complex enters the nucleus where it binds to genes
4. Cortisol-receptor complex acts as a transcription facto r
5. The transcribed mRNA is translated into a specific protein