Respuesta :
1. Despierta 2. Se levanta 3. Se baña and porque tiene mucha prisa is right 4. Se viste 5. Se pone maquillaje or se maquilla 6.Se preocupa 7. Recordó 8. Se pone 9. Se enoja 10. Se durmió
despierta / se levanta / se baña / se viste / se maquilla / se preocupa / recordó / se pone / se enoja / se durmió
Hoy Andrea se despierta a las once de la mañana.
Today, Andrea wakes up at 11 o'clock in the morning.
Verb: Despertarse ( belongs to the first group of reflexive verbs. Reflexive verbs are verbs that include '' self '' or '' selves '' in them. It's an irregular verb, ending in AR. )
Despertarse -- yo despierto.
Example: Todos los días me despierto a las 8 a.m.
Every day, I wake up at 8 am.
Present participle: despertando
Past participle: despertado
Ella se levanta y se baña rápidamente, porque tiene mucha prisa.
She gets up and takes a shower quickly, because she is in a big hurry.
Verb: Levantarse ( it also belongs to the first group of verbs, as it ends in AR. It's a reflexive regular verb )
Bañarse ( it's a regular verb that belongs to the first group of verbs, ending in AR. It can be used in a reflexive manner too. )
Examples: Me encanta bañar en el mar.
I enjoy bathing in the sea.
Present participle: bañando
Past participle: bañado
¿ Tiene usted forza para levantarse?
Are you strong enough to stand?
Present participle: levantando
Past participle: levantado
Después, se viste y se maquilla y sale para la clase de filosofía.
Later, she puts her clothes on and some make-up and leaves for her philosophy class.
Verb: Vestir — ( belongs to the third group of verbs, as it ends in IR. It’s an irregular verb. We replace the e with an an i in imperative, subjunctive, present and preterite tenses)
La roja no es un color muy fácil de vestir.
Red isn’t a simple color to wear.
Ella viste el vestido rosa.
Present participle: vistiendo
Present participle: vestido
Maqillarse — ( belongs to the first group of verbs, because it ends in AR and it’s a reflexive regular verb in Spanish )
Me maquilla todos los días.
I make-up every day.
¿Te vas a maquillar para salir de fiesta?
Are you going to put make-up to go to the party?
Present participle: maquillando
Past participle: maquillado
Su novio, Juan Miguel, se preocupa mucho porque Andrea, con la prisa, no recordó de llamarlo por teléfono.
Her boyfriend, Juan Miguel, is very worried because Andrea, being in a hurry, forgot to give him a call.
Verbo: Preocupar ( it is a regular verb and belongs to the first group of verbs, it ends in AR. First-person singular present for this verb is preocupo)
Present participle: preocupando
Past participle: preocupado
Recordar ( it is a verb that belongs to the first group, because it ends in AR and It’s an irregular verb. It’s also a pronominal verb because it can be conjugated in a reflexive manner as well )
Present participle: Recordando
Past participle: Recordado
Es algo que nos debe preocupar.
It’s something we should make our concern.
No te recuerdo. ¿ Nos conocemos ?
I don’t remember you. Do we know each other?
Juan Miguel espera dos hora y se pone muy nervioso.
Juan Miguel waits for two hours and starts to be very nervous.
Verbo: ponerse ( it’s a verb that belongs to the second group of verbs and it’s irregular. It can also be a pronominal reflexive verb, like in this sentence. in the present indicative — me PONGO, preterite pus-, the future and conditional ponder-. The past participle is also irregular, me PUESTO. )
Tenemos que poner la mesa y luego podemos comer.
We need to set the table and then we can eat.
Present participle: poniendo
Past participle: puesto
Juan Miguel se enoja mucho con Andrea.
Juan Miguel is really mad at Andrea.
Verbo: Enojarse ( it’s a regular verb that can also be used in a reflexive manner. It belongs to the first group of verbs, ending in AR. )
Estoy muy enojado con mi madre.
I’m very angry with my mum.
Present participle: enojando
Past participle: enojado
Entonces, Andrea le explica que se durmió hasta tarde por la mañana y que no tiene tiempo de llamarle.
Then, Andrea explains to him that she slept late in the morning and that she doesn't have time to give him a call.
Verbo: Dormirse ( it's a verb that belongs to the third group of verbs. It's an irregular verb, and it ends in IR. It can also be used in reflexive manner, just like in this sentence )
Example: Estaba dormido a las dos de la mañana.
I was asleep until two in the morning.
Present participle: durmiendo
Past Participle: dormido