Types of volcanoes in USA are Lava dome volcano, Stratovolcanoes , Shield volcanoes,
- About 161 volcanoes listed and about 18 considered to be most active and highly dangerous type and about 39 pose a great threat and the remaining 1098 are moderate
- Mount Kilauea, Hawaii
, Mount St. Helens, Washington
, Mount Rainier, Washington
, Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
, Mount Shasta, California
, Mount Hood, Oregon
, Makushin Volcano, Alaska
, Newberry Volcano, Oregon
, Mount Baker, Washington
, Mauna Loa, Hawaii
, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Hawaii’s Mount Kilauea is mark has the most dangerous of the US volcanoes both in terms of explosion and in terms of damage to property of human life.
- Cinder one type of volcanoes is most of the commonly occurring types of volcanoes found in the united states of America.
- Also, there consists of composite volcanoes stratovolcanoes like Mount Rainier, Mount Fuji, and Mount Cotopaxi, for example, and mount st. Helens was one of the most violent types of volcanoes found to date.
- Lava dome of volcanoes is the lava acculturation they can explode violently giving a huge amount of ash and hot rocks.