Respuesta :

The Geats passed by the guard at the shore. He called out a greeting to them as they loaded their treasure aboard the ship. Beowulf gave a jeweled sword to the man who guarded the boat. This gift earned the man much respect in the beer hall.


They greeted Beowulf and his men, and helped them.  


In chapter 27, when Beowulf and his men were leaving, the coastguards greeted them with kindness and helped them load their treasures on the ship. Beowulf gave his jeweled sword to them as a token of thanksgiving.  

"From the height of the hill no hostile words

reached the guests as he rode to greet them;

but “Welcome!” he called to that Weder clan

as the sheen-mailed spoilers to ship marched on.

Then on the strand, with steeds and treasure

and armor their roomy and ring-dight ship

was heavily laden: high its mast

rose over Hrothgar’s hoarded gems.

A sword to the boat-guard Beowulf gave,

mounted with gold; on the mead-bench"