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As compared below.



  • is the third planet that harbors life, according to radiometric dating the earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. Earth has an orbit of 365.26 days and rotates on its axis at 366.26 times
  • About 71 % of the earth is covered by water and 29% is covered by the landscape. Earth oceans are formed due to volcanic activity and outgassing activities thus lots of greenhouse gases are found to date.
  • Earth structure is composed of crust, mantle and core the crust forms thin slabs of rocks and mantle form the molten rocky mass and core forms the semi-liquid and solid powerhouse.


  • is the fifth-largest natural satellite of earth that orbits the earth and has the same age as that of the earth has a synchronous rotation thus we see the same side every time.
  • Moon has a solid ion core and its crust is about 50 kilometers thick. It has large creators on its surface and the presence of volcanic activity is also found,  the presence of water in the form of ice in some parts of creators.  
  • Its magnetic field is less compared to that of earth and has an exceptionally low albedo. Has no atmosphere like that of earth.