Considering some of the characteristics that define life and drawing on your new knowledge of cellular structures and functions, write a short essay (100–150 words) that discusses this statement: Life is an emergent property that appears at the level of the cell. (Review the section on emergent properties in Concept 1.1.)

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 The world is in constantly changing, as in life, the beings living on this planet and the whole system that we are in synergy with and that is part of the life and existence of each being. These changes are the phenotype, the genotype of each being, as the changes and alterations due to environmental and internal transformations. The cells are in constantly changing, walking together with the weather, temperature, climate change by natural and man-made means, genetic mutation and natural selection.

 Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes. Gradually, the idea of ​​plurality of existing species was developed and obtained from the evolutionary process, where natural selection prioritized some intraspecific variations through the struggle for survival of the fittest.