
Ethan is modeling food chains he observes in his local ecosystem. Which of these models represent possible food chains he might observe?
Select all that apply.
A primary producer -> consumer->consumer -> consumer-> consumer
B. primary producer -> consumer -> primary producer -> consumer
C. primary producer -> consumer -> consumer
D. consumer -> primary producer -> consumer -> primary producer -> consumer
E. consumer -> consumer->consumer->consumer

Respuesta :


A & C


Primary producers are always at the bottom of the food chain because they are the entry point of energy into the ecosystem. The producers are organisms that produce their own 'food' from abiotic factors and include photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs. These organisms are then consumed by primary consumers who are subsequently consumed by secondary consumers who are subsequently consumed by tertiary consumers to decomposers. The number of consumers up the food chains can vary with ecososyems and  can be an indication of how biodiverse they are. This is how energy  and matter are passed up an ecosystem and recycled.

If Ethan is modeling food chains that he observes in his local ecosystem, the models that best represents possible food chains he might observe are:

  • A Primary producer -> consumer->consumer -> consumer-> consumer

  • C. Primary producer -> consumer -> consumer

A primary producer in an ecosystem is an organism that is at the bottom of the food chain. This means that this organism is the prey and is hunted and eaten by predators.

Consumers are people that eat up the food in an ecosystem.

As a result of this, if Ethan is monitoring food chains in his local ecosystem , the most likely possible food chains he would observe are primary producers being fed off on by both the primary and secondary consumers

Therefore, the correct answers are options A and C

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