Raul came to the United States from Mexico three months ago, and he is still having trouble understanding Americans' tendency to rush all the time. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class several minutes after class has started. Raul's confusion about Americans' pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior?



c. paralanguage

d. kinesics

e. proxemics

Respuesta :

Answer: Option B


Explanation: In simple words, chronemics refers to the relevance of time in respect of non verbal communication. It is based on he concept that the time management of an individual depicts a number of points of his or her personality. For example - an employee who is always late for office will be considered as irresponsible.

In the given case, Raul is having problem with adjusting to the pace of  American life. He gets usually late for his classes and other places. Thus, these instances communicate that he is having trouble with adjustments.

Hence the correct option is B.