Consider the reasoning expressed by the speaker in this passage: "We were having a severe midwinter cold spell. The city was running out of heating oil for private home use. So the city ordered everyone to set their home thermostats down to 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 62 at night. But I set my thermostat at 67 during the day and 64 at night. I reasoned this way. It is in my best interest to cheat just a little by keeping our house a bit warmer. In fact, it is in the best interest of each person who lives in the city to do the same thing. So it follows that it is in the city's best interest if everyone were to cheat just a little." We can reasonably evaluate the speaker's inference as __________.
(a) valid because of affirming the antecedent
(b) valid because of disjunctive syllogism (c) a fallacy of false classification (d) a fallacy of false reference (e) a fallacy of composition

Respuesta :


 (e) a fallacy of composition


The fallacy of composition is an error within logical thinking that results in a mistaken statement. It is presented when a person uses the characteristic of a single element (or an isolated set of them) to characterize the whole system. This can be seen in the question above, where a single individual believes that the whole city has the same opinion as him.

The fallacy of composition departs from generalization and disregards that although a phenomenon can be observed in one item, it does not mean that it remains when it spreads among all the others.

The right answer to that question is e) a fallacy of composition

Evidenced by the expression of the speaker who concluded that the citizens of the city also do the same thing as what he did, without any concrete evidence (just his opinion).

Further exploration

Misguided thinking is a process of reasoning or argumentation that is illogical, misdirected and misleading. This is because there is a symptom of thinking caused by the imposition of logical principles without regard to their relevance.

Misguided relevance arises when someone draws a conclusion that is not relevant to the premise or logically the conclusion is not contained even does not constitute the implication of the premise.

In the discussion regarding fallacy, there are two actors, namely Sofism and Paralogism.

1. Sophism

Sophism is a misguided thought that is deliberately done to mislead others, even though the opinion leaders themselves are not misled. So-called because the first to practice it was the Sophists, the name of a group of scholars who were adept at giving speeches in ancient Greece. They always try to influence the general public with the misleading arguments conveyed through their speeches to impress their greatness as accomplished orators.

2. Paralogism

Paralogism is a misguided thinker who is unaware of his misguided thinking. A fallacy is very effective and effective for carrying out several immoral acts, such as changing public opinion, turning facts, public ignorance, sectarian provocation, character assassination, divisiveness, avoiding the snares of the law, and reaching power with false promises.

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Class: High School

Subject: Health

Keyword: Error in thinking

Universidad de Mexico