New World colonization won support in England amid a time of rising English fortunes among the wealthy, a tense Spanish rivalry, and mounting internal social unrest. But supporters of English colonization always touted more than economic gains and mere national self-interest. They claimed to be doing God’s work. Many claimed that colonization would glorify God, England, and Protestantism by Christianizing the New World’s pagan peoples. Advocates such as ____________________________the Younger and John Dee, for instance, drew upon The History of the Kings of Britain, written by the twelfth-century monk Geoffrey of Monmouth, and its mythical account of King Arthur’s conquest and Christianization of pagan lands to justify American conquest. Group of answer choices

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Advocates such as Richard Hakluyt the Younger and John Dee, for instance, drew upon The History of the Kings of Britain, written by the twelfth-century monk Geoffrey of Monmouth, and its mythical account of King Arthur’s conquest and Christianization of pagan lands to justify American conquest.


Richard Hakluyt the Younger represented one of the most important propagandists of British colonization in North America. Among his many works, he wrote Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America and the Islands Adjacent, supporting the plan of Sir Humphrey Gilbert to colonize North America. After Walter Raleigh (Gilbert's half brother) took control of the colonization process, Hakluyt elaborated a Discourse on Western Planting for Queen Elizabeth in 1584, in which he claimed that colonization was a way to predicate Protestanism and this would foster the expansion of the Spanish economy.