Question 1 Voy a hacer mi maleta.
Answer 1: Voy a hacerla.
Translation 1: I'm going to pack my suitcase. I will do it.
Question 2 Necesitamos llevar los pasaportes.
Answer 2: Necesitamos llevarlos.
Translation 2: We need to carry passports. We need to take them.
Question 3 Marcos está pidiendo el folleto turístico.
Answer 3: Marcos está pidiéndolo.
Translation 3: Marcos is asking for the tourist brochure. Marcos is asking for it.
Question 4 Javier debe llamar a sus padres.
Answer 4: Javier debe llamarlos.
Translation 4: Javier should call his parents. Javier must call them.
Question 5 Ellos esperan visitar el Viejo San Juan.
Answer 5: Ellos esperan visitarlo.
Translation 5: They hope to visit Old San Juan. They hope to visit it.
Question 6 Puedo llamar a Javier por la mañana.
Answer 6: Puedo llamarlo por la mañana.
Translation 6: I can call Javier in the morning. I can call him in the morning.
Question 7 Prefiero llevar mi cámara.
Answer 7: Prefiero llevarla.
Translation 7: I prefer to take my camera. I prefer to take it.
Question 8 No queremos perder nuestras reservaciones de hotel.
Answer 8: No queremos perderlas.
Translation 8: We don't want to lose our hotel reservations. We don't want to lose them.