According to Abigail Adams: A Revolutionary American Woman, all of the following are TRUE except:
a. In the chapter titled "In Their Proper Sphere," Abigail took heart from Mary Wollstonecraft’s 1792 book A Vindication of the Rights of Women.
b. In the chapter titled "In Their Proper Sphere," Abigail disliked the radical political views of Mary Wollstonecraft’s earlier work on the French Revolution.
c. In the chapter titled "The Amazing Difference," during the winter in France, Abigail Adams consoled Thomas Jefferson on the recent loss of his wife and cared for him during an illness.
d. In the chapter titled "In Their Proper Sphere," Abigail cautioned her husband John Adams that women were the ambitious, duplicitous, and treacherous gender while men are more inclined to simplicity, gentleness, and tenderness.
e. In the chapter titled "In Their Proper Sphere," Abigail believed that education remained the best hope for the advancement of women.