Respuesta :
The potential problems that might occur if a GM plant were to spread as an invasive plant, considering legal and environmental consequences:
GM plants or crops are the Genetically Modified plants that are grown by forcing the genes of one species into gene of other unrelated species with the motive of producing hybrids. GM plants are referred as invasive plants i.e. any foreign species that is spread out of control. The potential problems that arises from the production of GM crops on a large scale are as follows,
- They may lead to native biodiversity loss.
- These GM plants sometimes evolve to become invasive weeds that may harm the environment.
- The environment that is required to produce GM plants may disturb the local wildlife populations.
- It creates an increased risk of food allergies or intolerance.
- GM plants encourages the usage of the toxic herbicides such as glyphosate.
- The antibiotic-resistant bacteria can resist the functions of antibiotics, that may result in fatal problems. According to the study approximately the infection kills 23,000 people per year.
- Though they are accepted by the US without any labels many of the countries in the world especially EU stands against these crops.
The US government, (FDA) Food and Drug Administration, have restricted the species that differs significantly in structure, function, or composition from substances found currently in food.