How is today’s world politically organized and why? How can this type of political organization lead to conflict (over issues such as boundaries, ethnic diversity, etc.)? How do forces such as ethno-nationalism, devolution, supranationalism and/or the rise of extremist non-state actors (such as international terrorist groups) increasingly challenge this system? ethnic and political geography

Respuesta :

1. The world at present is organized into countries. Further, the countries are organized in several different manners, some being unitary, some federal, some having autonomous regions (with smaller or larger autonomy) etc.

The countries are having different political system by which they are organized, five of which seem to be dominant around the globe:

- democracy; it is a political organization of a country where every individual participates into the selection of the government, as well as stripping the government of its power.

- republic; any system where the people legitimize the government;

- communism; it is a system where there is only one political party, no elections, and unlike the ideology itself, in practice it is a system that borders dictatorship.

- monarchy; this political system has a monarch in charge, and the power is running through the monarch's family from one generation to another. The people have no say in choosing a leader or government.

- dictatorship; a single person or few very powerful individuals control everything in the country, often using violence and the military to keep control of everything.

2. The different types of political organizations around the world often have conflicting interests. the conflicting interests can range anywhere from economic factors, to religion and ethnicity, to territorial ambitions.

The political leaders and governments often use the differences in order to convince the people that a conflict with another political entity would be of their best interest and of the best interest of the country.

The conflicts often cause lot of violence and military intervention, with the end results being genocides, persecution, forced assimilation, violation of the human rights etc.

3. Lot of entities that have big influence in the world are not political entities, at least not official ones, such as the terrorist organizations. They often use the poverty and low education of the people in order to join their cause and manage to create a lot of damage to an existing political entity. Their cause if often the creation of a separate country where they will implement their own political doctrines.

Also, the extreme forms of nationalism have not disappeared, but instead they are still present, and in some regions are very strong. That often leads to ethnic conflicts where two or more different ethnic groups try to annihilate each other, very often only because of their differences.

Lot of political organizations are using the extreme nationalism rhetoric in order to gain the people's support, and while the people think they fight for their own good and safety, the goal behind the curtains is usually gaining resources, territory, and more power by the governments.

The conflicts of this type often lead to instability in the countries, or separation of regions from the countries, resulting in the formation of new countries.

Examples of terrorist organizations that tried to establish their own countries or take over the power of some are ISIS, Al Qaeda, IRA and many more, while countries that have used extreme nationalism in more recent times are Rwanda, Uzbekistan, Sudan etc.