Write an algorithm that asks a user to enter a number between 1 and 10. (This range includes the numbers 1 and 10.) When they enter the number, check that it is actually between 1 and 10. If it is not, ask them to enter a number again. Continue to ask until they enter a valid number. Once their number is valid, output the number. (C++ form)

Respuesta :



   cout<<"Introduce number \n"; //print the message

   cin>>num; //set the value of the number given

}while(num<1 || num>10); //repeat while the number is out of the range

cout<<"Number: "<<num; //print the number


The idea behind this code is to create a loop in which I can compare the number given  (between 1 and 10) and then print the number or get back and ask the number again.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


   int num; //create num variable



   cout<<"Introduce number \n"; //print the message

   cin>>num; //set the value of the number given

}while(num<1 || num>10); //repeat while the number is out of the range

cout<<"Number: "<<num; //print the number


Universidad de Mexico