The Socratic method
The Socratic method is a type of argumentative dialogue which is designed to utilize our critical thinking in order to solve a certain type of issues. Â Socratic method could be utilized as an efficient teaching method. To apply this, teachers need to prevent themselves from giving direct answer every time the students have a question regarding the subject.
Rather than answering it directly, here are the steps that the teachers need to follow :
1. The teacher will ask the students what they think the answer is.
2. The teacher will carefully listen to the initial answer given by the student.
3. IF, the teacher notice a mistake in his answer, the teacher will ask the student to justify it, and counter it by carefully explaining why the answer is not making any sense.
4. The students will gradually eliminate the answer that has been disprove, until eventually they come to the final truth/conclusion.
This method will make the students have deeper understanding about the concept and modeling appropriate critical thinking skills that they can use to understand harder subjects in the future.