Tom was hungry, so he went to a fast-food restaurant. He did not have any money, so when a young girl left her burger unattended, Tom quickly grabbed her burger and left. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his actions were most likely driven by hisa) id.b) defense mechanisms.c) ego.d) superego.

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a) id    


Sigmund Freud has given three levels of mind in his psychoanalytic theory of personality which include id, ego, and superego.

According to this theory, the id is defined as the personality component which is made up of unconscious supernatural or psychic energy that works to satisfy basic need, desires, and urges. The id works on the pleasure principle, which asks for immediate gratification of urges and needs.

According to this theory, a child wants what it wants to have at that particular time. Similarly, Tom was hungry and wanted to fulfill his hunger anyhow.