The correct answers are C is Indus Valley and D is China
During the Neolithic period and subsequent periods, first early civilizations emerged in different geographical locations in the worlds, these civilizations included Egypt, Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, China, among others. In the case of Indus Valley Civilization, this emerged in Asia, more specifically in the Northwest of India and part of Pakistan along the Indus River (zone marked with C) this as mainly recognized due to advance techniques to create infrastructures and the use of metals.
On the other hand, Ancient China began in the North.east of this country along the Yello River (zone marked with D) and was mainly prominent due to the invention of paper, the complex organization that led to dynasties and philosophers such as Confucious. Thus, the early civilization marked with the letters C and D on the map are the Indus Valley marked with C, and the ancient China civilization marked with D.