Respuesta :
B) Effective teams invest time and effort to discuss and agree on a purpose that belongs to them both collectively and individually.
The interactions that occur among team members while performing the team task and combine individual efforts into collective results
The correct choice of answers for that question is E) An effective team starts by choosing the right type of people to be a team member.
Further explanation
Process and Stages of Team Development
All stages of human development have their respective characteristics. A team in which consists of people who work together, can not be separated from the stages of development that will be passed. The stages of team development are as follows:
1. Forming
At this initial stage, individuals who are members of a team still carry the values, opinions, and ways of working obtained from previous experience. Team members are still looking for forms, starting to adapt to the environment, trying to relate and collaborate with colleagues, so they know each other's character. At this stage conflict or commotion rarely arises, because all are filled with a high sense of optimism.
2. Storming
This stage is a period of conflict and competition among team members. Team members accept the existence of the team, but reject limitations that interfere with individuality. Because of uncomfortable feelings, some team members can act passively while others try to dominate.
3. Norming
Norming is characterized by the formation of close relationships between team members, showing cohesiveness (close relations) and feeling a strong group identity.
4. Performing
Performing is a period that may not be achieved by all teams. Performing is achieved if the structure is fully functional and accepted. Team members are task oriented but also human oriented.
5. Adjourning
Adjourning is the preparation stage to disperse. Achieving is no longer a top priority. Team members focus more attention on completing activities such as ceremonial closure.
Learn more
The process of forming the team,
Class: College
Subject: Business
Keyword: Team formation process.