Stock Price in 5 years: $97.94. Stock Price Today: $55.575
A pay-out ratio is computed by dividing dividends per share over earnings per share. Meanwhile, PE or Price-Earnings Ratio is computed by dividing the market value of stocks over earnings per share. Thus, using the pay-out ratio formula, the earnings per share is 2.925 ($1.17/40%) and using the PE ratio formula, the market price of stocks today is $55.575 (19 x 2.925). After 5 years, multiplying 1.17 and 12% rate raised to the 5th power, the dividend will amount to $5.1548. Using pay-out ratio, earnings per share is 5.1548 ($2.0619/40%) and the market price of stock after 5 years is $97.94 ($5.1548 x 19).