Burks investment 144,000 debit
goodwill 66,000 debit
cash 210,000 credit
--to record acquisition---
Burks investment 32,000 debit
gains on investent 32,000 credit
-- to record income on investment---
cash 10,000 debit
Burks investment 10,000 credit
-- to record dividends of Burks ---
proportional equity:
360,000 x 0.4 = 144,000
acquired by 210,000
goodwill 66,000
divdends: 25,000 x 0.4 = 10,000
net income 80,000 x 0.4 = 32,000
For the ivnentory no entry is needed as Bursk used the entire inventory there is not unrealized gain.