No encuentro un momento para escribirte. Es que mi abuela me tiene a su lado por horas y horas cada día, contándome historias de su niñez aquí en Cartagena. Poquito a poco va recuperándose, pero no sé de dónde saca tantas fuerzas para hablar. Por eso estoy aquí sólo por ella, así que no me quedo de nada. En las tardes ella descansa y yo suelo caminar por la playa y, por supuesto, pienso en ti...
I can't find a moment to write to you. My grandmother has me by her side for hours and hours every day, telling me stories of her childhood here in Cartagena. Little by little he is recovering, but I don't know where he gets so many strengths to talk about. That's why I'm here just for her, so I'm not staying for anything. In the afternoon she rests and I usually walk on the beach and, of course, I think of you ...
When to use prepositions by and for?
Remember that "by" is used to explain the cause or motive of something; while "for" usually refers to the purpose of an action.