Why might fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleic acids increase the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration of a solution? Explain

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  Simply because fatty acids, amino acids and nucleic acids are acids that produce hydrogen +. In chemistry definitions, acids are substance that tastes sour that donates hydronium ions in a water solution. An acid is also a compound of substance that produce proton and embrace electrons. A proton according to science is something that has hydrogen but doesn’t have electron. That’s why when these acids are combined they increase the number of hydrogen + or (H+) in a certain substance.

Fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleic acids have reactive carboxylic acid groups (RCOOH), and when they are dissolved in water, the H+ ion tends to separate (leaving RCOO-). The released H+ ions result in a greater concentration of H+ ions.

They would also result in a higher acidity level, and a lower pH.