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The Roman Empire, when it became Christian, forbad the Jewish people to proselytize by laws which would inflict punishment of death to the individual, his family and his converts, and/or appropriation of his material goods, or expulsion of all the aforementioned individuals. These laws were written circa 200 to 399 AD. See ‘The Jews in Roman Imperial Legislation’, Amon Linder, 1987. You can obtain a copy through the library as it is out of print. A copy on Amazon sells at 100$, about. The Roman Empire promulgated the earliest anti-Jewish laws , after the Bar Kochba Revolt against Rome, circa 135 AD. These Roman Laws, aided by growing antiSemitism in the Holy Roman Empire , (now inculcated the early New Testament as part of Christian doctrine), compelled Jews to pay special taxes, not be able to enter trades or professions, own property, and/or basically be marginalized every other way , have existed ever since. They were the beginning of the ghettos, the Pale of Existence, the inquisition, expulsions, pogroms, other doctrines of Contempt, and finally the Holocaust. They drive the Radical Muslims today. They drive Lewis Farrikan, they affect the Radical Left Wing Americans and politicians, they empower Neo Nazis. Jews fight back with their minds and by holding tight to their people and identity and Constitution, known world wide as the Old Testament. To reprise; The Romans were the first to imprison Jews in gated stockades, which became known as ghettos. This practice spread all over Europe and became the ‘norm’ in Europe for over 1300 years, approximately, until Napoleon took the gates off the ghettos in his Empire. All of these actions have deeply affected the social evolution of the Jewish people, unjustly turning them into Pariahs and outcasts. Unfortunately for all of us Rome and its treatment of the Jewish people is still driving events in the Middle East today.