a) 323.517 ft/s
b) 402.5 ft
At t = 5s the student had travelled:
y = (32/2)*5^2 ft
y = 402.5 ft
The time at which the student will reach the ground is given by:
900 ft = (32/2 ft/s^2)* t^2
Solving for t
t = (1800/32 s^2)^(1/2)
t = 7.47667 s
Therefore Superman need to travell 900 ft in 2.47667 s
The equation of motion of Superman will be:
ys(t)=v0*t + (32.2/2 ft/s^2)*t^2
We are looking for a velocity v0 such that ys(2.47667 s) = 900 ft:
900 ft = v0*(2.47667 s) + (32.2/2 * (2.47667)^2) ft
v0 = (900 - (32.2/2) (2.47667)^2)/ (2.47667) ft/s
v0 = 323.517 ft/s
The hight of the skyscraper so that even Superman cant save him will be the same as the distance y0 the student has travelled when superman arrived, that is:
y(t) = - (32.2 (ft/s^2) /2)*(25s^2) = 402.5 ft