Transcendental Nursing Home is working on decreasing its rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) among its residents. While reviewing data, the improvement team notices that the UTI rate on Floor 3 is half that of the rest of the floors. They decide to visit the unit and find out what it is doing differently.
Which component of Deming's System of Profound Knowledge is the team about to harness?
(A) Appreciation of a system
(B) Understanding variation
(C) Theory of knowledge
(D) Psychology (human behavior)

Respuesta :


(B) Understanding variation      


William Deming (1900-1993) has given the theory of profound knowledge. He has been credited for his contribution to quality improvement theory. William is also famous for the fourteen points of quality improvement. The Theory of Profound Knowledge encompasses four parts:

1. Appreciation for a system.

2. Knowledge about variation.

3. Theory of knowledge.

4. Knowledge of psychology.

William believed that a system is composed of interrelated components.