Respuesta :
Stop going to the mirror
Why do you run to the mirror,
only to cry your heart out and not forgive yourself?
You've worked so hard to get here
To the place full of limitless longings
But was it worth it to now only despise yourself?
When your intentions were to be belle?
Why do you still,
Pour artificial "beauty" on this pure naturally give face?
One cannot create natural beauty
For it is so rare a gift
and here you stand taking that away?
Stop tearing out your hair from the anger of your own consequences
When you compare yourself to her
Or point out all of your flaws
Or suck in the belle belly
Or tuck it in to hide your belle lumps
Or wear pants to hide your hairy legs
Or wear artificial makeup to hide your history-filled scars
Vous êtes belle
But you take that away when you cover your true self
And hide your belle acne
And your luscious hair
that blow beautifully in the wind,
like the waves play with wind
You are the sunset that I always look forward to.