Now write a program named GreenvilleRevenue that prompts a user for the number of contestants entered in last year’s competition and in this year’s competition. Display all the input data. Compute and display the revenue expected for this year’s competition if each contestant pays a $25 entrance fee. Also display a statement that indicates whether this year’s competition has more contestants than last year’s.

Respuesta :


The c# program is given below.

using System;

class GreenvilleRevenue  


   static void Main() {

       // variable declared and initialized simultaneously

       int fees = 25;

       int last, present, rev;

       Console.WriteLine( "Enter the number of contestants participating in last year’s competition " );

       last = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

       Console.WriteLine( "Enter the number of contestants participating in this year’s competition " );

       present = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

       Console.WriteLine( "Number of Participants in last year's competition  \t\t" + last);

       Console.WriteLine( "Number of Participants in present year's competition   \t" + present);

       rev = present*fees;

       Console.WriteLine( "Revenue expected in this year’s competition is \t\t\t$" + rev );

       if(last < present)

           Console.WriteLine( "Participants are more this year" );

       else if(last > present)

           Console.WriteLine( "Participants are less this year" );

       else if(last == present)

           Console.WriteLine( "Participants are same both years" );




Enter the number of contestants participating in last year’s competition  


Enter the number of contestants participating in this year’s competition  


Number of Participants in last year's competition    111

Number of Participants in present year's competition    123

Revenue expected in this year’s competition is   $3075

Participants are more this year


This program takes input from the user. The input is not validated as this is not mentioned in the question.

1. An integer variable is declared and initialized by the fees of this year’s competition.

2. Integer variables are declared to store participants for last year, present year and revenue earned in the present year.

3. User enters the number of participants in last year’s competition.

4. User enters the number of participants in this year’s competition.

5. All the input from the user is displayed.

6. The revenue earned in this year’s competition is computed and displayed.

7. The message is also displayed whether number of participants this year is greater or not than the last year.

8. Also, if participants are same in both years, the message is displayed accordingly.