n the search to discover the agents that cause mad cow disease, scrapie in sheep, and CJD and kuru in humans, diseased brain tissues were passed through a fine filter to remove bacteria. The filtrate was still infectious, indicating that something smaller than bacteria, either viruses or organic molecules, must be the causative agent. If a virus was responsible for these brain diseases, then the infectious agent would contain either RNA or DNA. Other possibilities were that the agent was a carbohydrate, fat, or protein. Tissue filtrates were treated with agents that destroyed just one of these chemicals and then injected into a healthy animal, with the results as follows. What is the infectious agent? •Amylase digests carbohydrates; tissue filtrate still infects healthy test animal. •Lipase digests fats; tissue filtrate still infects healthy test animal. •Formaldehyde and/or heat denatures DNA and RNA; tissue filtrate still infects healthy test animal. •Trypsin digests protein; tissue filtrate does not infect healthy test animal.