Stores and transmits genetic information in the form of DNA ____________ : Site of ribosomal RNA synthesis ____________ : Protein factories of a cell ____________ : Proteins synthesized on the attached ribosomes enter this organelle and are distributed to other organelles or secreted from the cell ____________ : Contains enzymes for fatty acid and steroid synthesis; stores and releases Ca²⁺ ____________ : Concentrates, modifies, and sorts proteins arriving from the rough ER ____________ : Membrane-bound vesicular and tubular structures that assist the Golgi apparatus with sorting, modifying, and directing vesicular traffic in cells ____________ : Major site of ATP production, O2 utilization, and CO2 production ____________ : Break down bacteria and dead cell debris with acid and a variety of digestive enzymes ____________ : Removes hydrogen from organic molecules including lipids, alcohol, and potentially toxic ingested substances ____________ : May be important for transport of molecules between the cytosol and nucleus and in regulating cell sensitivity to certain drugs ____________ : Associated with processes that maintain and change cell shape and produce ce