A. Angina pectoris
Angina (angina pectoris) is caused by narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the heart. The limitation of blood supply causes a deficiency in the supply of nutrients and oxygen in this organ. Pain is a sign that the heart is receiving less blood than it needs.
The main symptom of this disease is intermittent pain or major discomfort and chest pressure. In general, the pain becomes more intense during physical activity (such as cutting grass and cutting wood, as the 68-year-old man, shown in the question) and decreases during rest. Some types of angina, however, can cause pain even when the person is at rest or sleeping. It is a pain that can radiate through the jaw and shoulders or arms (most commonly on the left side of the body).
The pain of angina can be aggravated by emotional stress, full stomach and exposure to low temperatures.