Consumption consists of spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of a. purchases of intangible services. b. purchases of durable goods. c. purchases of new houses. d. spending on education.

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Different schools of economists define consumption differently.

-The process in which goods or services are used to satisfy economics leads.

-Consumption is known as direct or final consumption, when the goods satisfy human wants directly and immediately. The goods have reach their final destination.

-Consumption is also the value of all goods and services bought by households. Includes:

*durable goods. last a long time, e.g. cars, home appliances.

*nondurable goods. last a shot time, e.g. food, clothing.

*services. work done for consumers, e.g. dry cleaning, air travel, legal.

*also, rent is a payment for housing services.

But for GDP, when you bought a house, is considered investment.