Psychologist Renée Baillargeon found that 5-month-old infants appeared surprised when they watched a carrot pass behind a screen, but then the carrot failed to appear in a window in the screen. According to Baillargeon, this suggests that infants understand _____ at an earlier age than Piaget suggested.

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object permanence


Renée Baillargeon body of work on psychology mainly revolves around  development of cognition during infancy.

Piaget's study showed that object permanence in children developed around 8-12 months. The experiment used to study this hypothesis objects were hidden and the amount of time the infant looked for the object was observed. He noticed that the fixation that the infants had to find the object was less when compared to infants who were older.

Baillargeon argued that this was because the infants lacked proper motor skills. She measured the fixation times the infants had to impossible events and compared them to possible events.