The primary structure of proteins is the _______. The primary structure contains the information necessary for the formation of secondary structure, including the _______ and the _______. Secondary structure of proteins is stabilized by the formation of _______ bonds.

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The primary structure of proteins is the aminoacids sequence. The primary structure contains the information necessary for the formation of secondary structure, including the aminoacids type and the aminoacids order. Secondary structure of proteins is stabilized by the formation of hydrogen  bonds.


Proteins have differents organization orders in its structure, which are called primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. The primary structure refers to the order and type of aminoacids which form the polypeptide chain. For example: Lys-His-Arg-Gly-Ala. But the sequence is not lineal in the space. There are interactions between aminoacids of the same polypeptide sequence and they can adopt different conformations. That is called secondary structure. The most common types of protein secondary structure are alpha-helix and beta-sheet.

It is easy to understand if you imagine a beaded necklace. The composition of the necklace (type od beads and their order in the necklace) is the primary structure. If the beads interact each other, they can form loops and motivs which could be considered as secondary structure.