Onset and DiagnosisMr. Wilson is upset about visiting the Nurse Practitioner (APRN) and he tells the office RN that there is nothing wrong with him. The RN notes that Mr. Wilson's face is flushed and he is wringing his hands. He states that he does not know why he is at the clinic. He stands by the door, shuffling his feet.Which is the best response by the nurse to Mr. Wilson's statement?

Respuesta :

Answer:The nurse needs to ask him a question that will make him feel comfortable and welcomed she may ask him "You look worried. How can I make you feel comfortable?"


This question let the person feels that a nurse cares without assuming that he is sick but the nursing is willing to give him a listening ear.

A client needs to know that he is cared for and understood .

Patients usually don't want to be treated like patients because it makes them feel like they are not a person anymore .

So anyone who approaches them like a normal stable person will give them a comfort to talk or listen to them .