
Recommend ways in which businesses can contribute time and effort to advance the well being of others in a business context in the following aspects:
*improving the general quality of life
*refraining from engaging in harmful practices
*making ethically correct business decisions
*providing support to employees

Respuesta :

Hi There! :)

Recommend ways in which businesses can contribute time and effort to advance the well being of others in a business context in the following aspects:*improving the general quality of life
*refraining from engaging in harmful practices
*making ethically correct business decisions
*providing support to employees

*making ethically correct business decisions. Not 100% sure but, i tried. 

The current economic context is globalized and highly competitive, which makes companies with social and environmental responsibility better positioned and valued by their stakeholders.

There are a number of good practices that companies can adopt to contribute to the development of their micro and macro environment.

Some of them are:

  • Promote support programs for the local community and small producers.

  • Implement environmental management programs that reduce the impact of its activities on the environment.

  • Make your practices and policies more ethical and transparent to stakeholders.

  • Provide benefits and working conditions favorable to employee development.

Companies with greater corporate governance will be more positioned in the market and will attract greater attention from consumers and investors. Consequently, good organizational practices also help to continuously improve processes and reduce waste.

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