Respuesta :


// here is code in c++.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// main function

int main()

{ // variable to store number of loads

   int n;

   cout<<"enter the number of servers:";

   // read the number of servers


   // create an integer array of servers of size n

   int server_load[n];

   // read the load of each server

   cout<<"enter the loads on each server:"<<endl;

   for(int x=0;x<n;x++)




   // sort the array


   int min_diff=MAX_INT;

   // find the minimum absolute difference between the server load

   for(int y=0;y<n-1;y++)


       int d=server_load[y+1]- server_load[y];





   // print the minimum difference

   cout<<"minimum absolute difference of server load is: "<<min_diff<<endl;

return 0;



Read the number of servers from user and assign it to "n".Create an integer Array of size n to store the load on each server.Read the load of each server and store  in the array. Sort the array. Then find the minimum difference between two load of servers. Print the minimum difference.


enter the number of servers:6                                                                                              

enter the loads on each server:                                                                                            

12 45 5 9 3 24                                                                                                            

minimum absolute difference of server load is: 2