While running 10 miles in the fasted state, what allows you to complete the run without passing out from hypoglycemia?

Select one:

(A) Glucose sparing mechanisms
(B) Glycogenolysis
(C) The use of stored triglycerides as fuel
(D) None of the above
(E) a, b, and c

Respuesta :


The correct answer is (C) The use of stored triglycerides as fuel


Triglycerides are the fat molecule stored in the body which are not used instantly but reserved for the condition when no sufficient glucose left in the body(hypoglycemia) to provide energy.

Triglycerides are made up of lipids and glycerol and the glycerol component is broken down to glucose easily to provide energy to the body in hypoglycemia condition. Because of triglyceride body can go long without eating food because it acts as reserved energy source.

So in this case the body of fasted runner will use stored triglyceride as fuel to complete the run without passing out from hypoglycemia.