In 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is an
example of
negatively affecting history.
scientific method

Respuesta :

The bombing on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an example of negatively affecting science.

Answer: A


The stream of science in education system was included to understand the working of nature, organisms and day today life mechanisms in a logical way.

Then science is used to invent new things , to understand the magic of science in creating wonders.

The researchers have invented new things in science so that they can be useful for human kind.

But as it is said, every advantages comes with its own disadvantages.

Alfred Nobel was the first person to invent dynamite and when he lost his younger brother during experimenting the use of dynamite, he himself quoted that he by mistake have invented a monster for human kind.

This statement became very true when US used TNT or dynamite in the first nuclear attack made in the history of world.

The US have used this nuclear weapon on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan killing lakhs of civilians due to injury and radiation.

Even now the radiation is still affecting the citizens in those two cities.

It is cited as one of the most negative affect of science on the human kind.


In my opinion I would say the answer is (Science)

Explanation: because of the immense destructive power of atomic weapons derives from a sudden release of energy produced by splitting the nuclei of the fissile elements making up the bombs' core.