What would be the best way for you to decide on a topic?

Brainstorm and write a list of possible topics
Search the internet for speeches
Ask a friend what you should speak on
Choose first topic you think of

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The best way for you to decide on a topic would be to brainstorm and write a list of possible topics.


It is important to brainstorm first and not just pick the first topic you think of because something may seem interesting, but you might not have enough content to fill your speech, essay, etc. It is also important to decide on a topic that is of value to you and not a friend because very often interesting writing or speeches include personal stories and if the topic was selected by a friend you may not be able to relate to it or have any personal experience to share to make the topic more relatable. However, you can ask for input from a friend or discuss possible ideas because it is vital to consider your audience when picking a topic because the audience must be able to relate or find the topic interesting. And searching the internet for topics is not the best method for deciding on a topic as you may not be able to relate to those speeches or the topics may not be relevant. Furthermore, copying speeches from the internet is unethical and may have consequences if you are expected to present your own work.