Why are the weapons of Beowulf's warriors ineffective against Grendel? Grendel puts magic spells on the weapons so that they cannot hurt him. The Geats do not have the same kind of weapons as the Danes. Grendel cannot be harmed by any other human being. The warriors are too frightened to use them effectively.

Respuesta :

Because he is a powerful wizard..


Grendel puts magic spells on the weapons so that they cannot hurt him.


"Beowulf" is an epic poem about the brave actions of the main character Beowulf.

The kingdom of Danes under King Hrothgar were terrorized and threatened by the ogre and monster Grendel. So, when Beowulf volunteers to go and fight the monster, the King allows them, arming them with weapons of the best quality. But, their weapons were not effective for Grendel had a magic charm that protects him from any human weapon. But he still got defeated by the weaponless Beowulf, who rips his arm off him, leaving him mutilated. He retreats to his swamp, thus giving victory to Beowulf and his warriors.

Universidad de Mexico