For Mendel to have postulated the law of independent assortment which of the following reasons had to be valid?

A) All the traits that Mendel examined involved genes that did not display genetic linkage.
B) Several of the phenotypes that Mendel examined involved color.
C) Mendel observed chromosomal segregation in pea-plant cells.
D) Mendel carried out his experiments on plants and not on fungi.
E) None of the above

Respuesta :


Option (A).


Mendel is known as the father of genetics. He explains the concept of dominance and introduces the law of segregation and law of independent assortment.

The law of independent assortment explains that the segregation of one pair of character is independent on the other character. The law of independent assortment is valid because the trait used by the Mendel are located on different chromosome and does not show the linkage.

Thus, the correct answer is option (A).